Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A fly on the wall

A couple days ago...

Scene: Sascha and Wendy are loading up the dishwasher one night.

Sascha (chuckling and shaking his head as he rearranges plates): Did Ari help you load the dishwasher today?

Wendy (strange look): No, that's where I put those plates when I want to make room for something bigger. (beat) Whaddya mean "did Ari help you"?

Sascha (deer in headlights look): Oh. Sorry. Nothing.

Wendy (you're not foolin' me look): Mmmhmm. Nice, honey.
This morning...

Scene: Wendy walks by as Ari is watching PBS.

Wendy: Whatcha watching? Clifford?

Ari: Yeh. Cool guy.

Wendy (pauses): Did you just say "cool guy"?

Ari: Yes!

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