Thursday, May 21, 2009

Reality Check

Scene: Two days ago. Sascha and Wendy eating cinnamon rolls at 10am. Clutter and chaos reining all around. Ari watching Clifford on PBS, about 30 minutes away from his morning meltdown because he wants to "go out". Ally asleep in her infant chair, oblivious to the fact that her morning nap and post-nap nursing delays Ari's going out time indefinitely.

Wendy (looking around her): So. We really need to get our shit together.

Sascha (with wide eyes and mumbling around a mouthful of roll): Mmm-hmmm!

The above exchange basically means that Wendy needs to get the collective shit together.

The shit is still all over the place.

Because Wendy is tired.

1 comment:

Cassi said...

oh, the shit never gets put together (she says, scanning the chaos that is her own house/life). You just learn to live with it. And get Zoloft.

Hugs from MI!!